Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cardall Grandkids

A few years ago the grandma to this cute crew had a similar image created of her grandbabies- there were only 11 then.  For her birthday this year she requested an updated version with the 24 current kiddos (there are two more already on the way) and I was enlisted to make it happen!
This image is actually a big composite.  Each kid was photographed individually and then I combined them into one image. It was fun working with all of them and it has been a fun challenge to put together.  I still have a couple of minor adjustments before Grandma get this but I couldn't wait to share!
Such a cute bunch of kids!  Hope Grandma LOVES it!


Krissy said...

Amazing!!! I can't believe how awesome that turned out! You are so talented!

The Osterhouts said...

Sweet Kenna! I'm jealous of your skills.

The Osterhouts said...

Sweet Kenna! I'm jealous of your skills.

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